HOTCHKISS CARBINE: An appendage almost never
found on the loose, the two section cleaning rod for the
Winchester Hotchkiss Carbines resembled those sections
supplied with the Trapdoor Carbines in profile, however
each section was considerably longer at 13”. The
limited original production of the Hotchkiss Carbines
and the ease in which these unique cleaning rod
sections could have been separated from the carbines,
finding a set to display with your carbine has become
almost impossible.
This is an exact recreation of this rare cleaning rod
set made of high quality steel and manufactured in a
very limited quantity by a master machinist using an
original set as the pattern. Correct in everyway, to
include the properly cut and sized threads, except for
the new condition and lack of finish, these rods are
undetectable from the originals.
This is a very limited opportunity to complete your
Winchester Hotchkiss Carbine and when these few sets are
sold, that will be the end of this supply. $100