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1850 REPORT OF THE COLONEL OF ORDNANCE:  This scarce original printing of the 1850 Report of the Colonel of Ordnance, Col. G. Talcott, to the US Congress was, as the practice at the time, part of, and bound with, the reports from all the other departments in the US Army, and at some point this twenty-five page chapter was removed from the full report and maintained separately. 

Predating the more familiar “Chief of Ordnance Reports” that began during the Civil War, this earlier version is now bound in an archival binder, the pages of the report have been well protected and are in very good condition with no tears, no missing pages and only minor wrinkles to some of the interior pages. 

This report includes reports from the arsenals such as Allegheny, Ft. Monroe, Washington, Watertown, and North Carolina.  Details of the work of these arsenals include the fabrication of arms, accoutrements, artillery pieces and equipment, gun appendages, ammunition, etc. not only for the regular army, but also for that material supplied to the state militias. 

The significance of this document lies not only in the type and quantity of arms and material provided to the standing army, but also those materials that were supplied to the states that would soon be in rebellion, and would be a nice addition to any Ordnance related collection.  (0124) $175


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Edged Weapons

Saddles and Horse Equipment


Collectors Ammunition

Uniforms, Insignia, Hats

Canteens and Mess Gear

Gun tools, Bullet molds and Parts

Field Equipment and Artillery

Original Ordnance Manuals, and Photos 

US Army Medical

Reference Books and Reprints